Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who da mayor?

The democratic primaries were held yesterday in Atlantic City for its upcoming mayoral race. It looks like former mayor Lorenzo Langford will soon be back in power. Good for him?

Mayor of Atlantic City has long been a position of discussion. For a span of 25 years from the 70s through the 90s there was not a single mayor who was not indicted. Jim Usry appearing to be the only innocent man among them. Over the past few years since Jim Whelan left office scandal has crept back into city hall. (FYI Im no Jim Whelan fan F him).

If you look at the turn around that took place in Las Vegas a lot of it corresponds to the election of Mayor Oscar Goodman. He was a famed mafia lawyer before he turned into a politician. This might sound bad, but truth was he didnt need money from odd places once he got in office. His goal was to push Las Vegas forward. This is what Atlantic City needs. Like Mike Bloomberg in NYC we need someone who cannot be bought off once he gets in office and truly doing this out of civic pride and not for the salary and perks of the "spoils system".

Will the real mayor please stand up? Please stand up.


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