Sunday, November 2, 2008

How the Phillies made me sad.

For the love of god only the Phillies could figure out a way to keep us biting our nails for 3 days. How about that? Its been 25 years since Philly fans have been able to pund their chest and claim to be World Champions. We here in the Atlantic City area support for the most part Philadelphia teams.

FU Joe Carter
Mitch Williams You are off the hook.

I do feel good about this on most levels. This doesn't totally make up for the ridiculously treachery of the NBA in the 2001 NBA finals where the Sixers should have been up 2-0 on the "unstoppable" Los Angeles Lakers. Or Donovan McNabb hurling in the fourth quarter of the superbowl.

I guess it is as good as time as any to admit that baseball was ruined for me forever in 1994 with the strike. Baseball had been my favorite sport as a child and I lived and died with the Philles. Once trying a round trip 1000 miles to watch the 1993 NLCS in person. But the strike killed me.
I have been a Phillies fan longer than I have been an fan of anything in my life. However I just wasn't as elated with their victory as I would had the Sixers or Eagles taken home the crown and danced down Board St.

Am I alone in this?

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